18-Week Introductory Course on Quantum Computing - Final Test
Congratulations on attending at least 75% of the live classes we held during this 18-week introductory course on Quantum Computing with Qiskit! You are only a few test questions away from getting a digital badge that will show what you learned during this course. To pass this test, remember that you need to get a minimum of 10 questions correct. Carefully read the instructions below before starting the test: you can only submit your answers once!
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Which quantum gate has the effect of a classical XOR? *
(Lecture 1 - The Atoms of Computation and What is Quantum?)
- Toffoli
- cx ( the controlled-NOT)
- cz
- x
What Qiskit object corresponds to a set of classical bits? *
(Lecture 2 - Python, Qiskit and Hello Qiskit)
- `BitRegister`
- `OutputRegister`
- `Sausages`
- `ClassicalRegister`
Which of these states is not physically equivalent to the rest? *
(Lecture 3 - Single Qubit States and Gates)
- |0>
- |1>
- -|0>
- i|0>
A controlled-Rz gate can be made from two single qubit Rz gates and how many cx gates? *
(Lecture 4 - Multiple Qubits, Entangled States, Phase Kickback and Circuit Identities)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Which of the following is a Clifford gate, but not a Pauli? *
(Lecture 5 - Fun with Matrices)
- X
- Y
- H
- Toffoli
Which of the following was given as the reason for removing 'garbage' when implementing oracles? *
(Lecture 6 - Circuits and Universality)
- To ensure that transpilation of the circuit is efficient.
- So that the interference required by quantum algorithms can occur.
- Because Pythonic oracles are not compatible with Apollo.
- To reduce the effects of noise.
Which part of the teleportation protocol prevents faster-than-light communication? *
(Lecture 7 - Basic Algorithms and Protocols)
- Initialization of the entangled state.
- The Bell basis measurement.
- Sending the results of the Bell basis measurement.
- The Heisenberg compensator.
Which of the following algorithms does not use the Fourier transform? *
(Lecture 8 - From the Fourier Transform to Shor's Algorithm)
- Phase estimation
- Order finding
- Shor's algorithm (for factoring)
- Grover's algorithm (for search)
Which of these was not mentioned as an obstacle to running large-scale quantum algorithms on IBM Quantum hardware? *
(Lecture 9 - Grover's Algorithm and Noise)
- Too few qubits.
- Limited connectivity (for two qubit gates).
- Inability to apply gates in parallel.
- Noisy operations.
If a classical bit is encoded in 5 repetitions, what is the minimum number of bit flips that would cause an error when decoding? *
(Lecture 10 - Introduction to Quantum Error Correction using Repetition Codes)
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
If a single Y error is applied to a code qubit (not near an edge), which elements of the syndrome will be affected? *
(Lecture 11 - Introduction to the Surface Code)
- Two plaquettes
- Two vertices
- A vertex and a plaquette
- Two plaquettes and two vertices
Which of the following statements is false? *
(Lecture 12 - Introduction to Quantum Machine Learning)
*Please hover over the answer options to view the full answer.*
- Quantum models can be trained with gradient descent methods (like classical models).
- Variational circuits provide a computational advantage because they perform non-linear classification.
- A cost function is a mathematical formulation to score the performance of a machine learning model.
- Quantum machine learning can mean processing classical or quantum data with a quantum computer.
What class of optimization problems is supported by Qiskit Optimization? *
Lecture 13 - Introduction to Quantum Optimization
- Linear Programs
- Quadratic Programs
- Semi-Definite Programs
- Exponential Programs
In the context of a calculation of the molecular electronic ground states, where the degrees of freedom are given by the Hartree-Fock molecular orbitals, what kind of energy do we aim to compute with the VQE? *
Lecture 14 - Introduction to Quantum Chemistry
- The exchange and correlation energies
- The static correlation energy only
- The dynamics correlation energy only
- The total correlation energy
How many Pauli expectation values are required to describe a pair of qubits? *
(Lecture 15 - Quantum Procedural Generation)
- 3
- 4
- 9
- 15
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